Location: Winnemucca, Nevada, United States

I love all animals! Summer and sunshine make me happy! I want to save the world!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Why I Love Working Weekends at the Vet Clinic

1. After a while, all dog poop smells the same.

2. No shortage of great puns - i.e., I commented today how "unsightly" an injury was to this cute little pug's eye.

3. Growls mean, "Did you shower today?" And, licks mean, "Where's my treat?!"

4. If I didn't shower, I can usually blame the dogs for any noxious smells.

5. Sweet little old ladies and their cats.

6. Tough chihauhua's protecting their sissy pitbull siblings.

7. Two St. Bernards who weigh more than I do!

8. Scaring the new people about the "ghosts" in the old, creepy basement.

9. Getting a tiny little hint 'o grin out of Dr. Sara.

10. A three-legged cat named Eileen.

11. Watching the owners have to watch something really gross like their pet's eye infection getting poked at - especially someone really prissy ... "Oh, eeewwwwww, eeeewwwwww!!!!! Is that what the inner eyelid looks like?!"

12. Treats in my pockets for good doggies .... which means all doggies.

13. How Dr. Grinsell notices the small stuff I do, like weeding the front garden ... and how appreciative he is.

14. Doggies who come in hurt and then get put back together again ... good as new!!!

15. Kitties who purr even when they are getting a shot!

16. Seeing Dr. Sara get all goo-gooey over puppies.

17. Seeing an owner's expression when Dr. Grinsell tells him/her their new little boy kitten, Bob, is really a female.

18. Huge dogs who try to hide when the vet walks in. Rule of thumb ... the bigger the dog, the more terrified he/she is.


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