Sand in my Shoes

Location: Winnemucca, Nevada, United States

I love all animals! Summer and sunshine make me happy! I want to save the world!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

That's All

My bare feet on hot blacktop .... since August .... no, you're no friend.
Cool shoes, cool you .... too cool to be you. That's all.
No big deal, no big real. Now and then.
You, pretend. That's all.

And you ... false donations and difficult hugs.
Those flowers .... the mud .... the winters to spring,
But that's all.
Bedtime .... no stories,
Playtime, no fun. Dinners .... like dungeon buffets.
Your way or the highway .... so here's my thumb.
That's all.

And you .... it's your mind, I know.
Your heart is pure, .... treasures, palace gifts galore .... but that's all.
And it's not your fault. I'd give every last dime,
To hit rewind .... and ride all over again.
An amazing ride ... now bumpy at best.
Can I get off please?
No, not just bumpy but vomitous for sure.
But you give and you gave and you give some more.
And that's not all .... that's not all.